BBQ Gathering @ Changi

The two persons who worked hard for this bbq gathering with my TMIS course mates were Afni and Sai, I am happy playing the supporting cast. Days before completion of our course in Feb this year, it was Afni who initiated the bbq gathering for us all. The original venue was supposed to be at Downtown East but the chalets were fully booked. With Alan's help, we managed to confirm a chalet at Changi on 20 March.

All 24 of us chipped in S$30 each except for one party spoiler and the consolidated sum should give us a sumptuous bbq makanan. In our planning, we (Afni, Sai & I) decided that everyone of us should 'win an award' for best in their category which will then be announced on the day of the gathering. Who are the judges then? Ahem, the three of us lor...and we started to crack our heads to identify the category best fit to each individual. What would be the award? Again, budget was a constraint as the food and accommodation took a big chunk from there. We finally settled for a nice photo frame with a nice class photo inserted in. The name of the individual who is named best in his or her category will be nicely, right?

Actually, the hardest part for us during the planning stage was to roll out 24 categories (for 24 of us in the class), it was more tedious than doing our assessments...hehehe. After a hard decision (I now know who hard the judges in American or Singapore Idol have to name their finalists), we reached our verdict...phew!

Allow me to present, Mr 'Ah Beng' award, Ms 'Ah Lian' award, Ms 'Colourful' award, Mr 'Debater' award, Ms 'Mina' award, Mr 'Handsome Sotong' award, Ms 'Pretty Sotong' award (one could have guessed 'Handsome & Pretty Sotong' should be a couple, alas it was not to be), Ms 'Hysterical' award and the list goes on. I landed a 'Disturbia' award for always disturing the class, not bad I should say. However, the one award I like best is 'Mao Mao' (毛毛) award which went to someone who did not attend the bbq, unfortunately. Least one would have assumed he is quite a hairy chap but the exact is the opposite I'm afraid to say. Nonetheless, the awards were part of the fun at the gathering, to create laughter that liven up the atmosphere and we did.

I enjoyed the gathering though most of us did not spend a night at the chalet, only Afni, Sai & few others did. One last parting note, this bbq gathering would not have been possible without Afni & Sai and I would like to thank them for the great job done. Those who paid but did not turn up, you did miss the fun and with or without your present, we simply had our fun. Looking forward to another gathering some months down.


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