Ladies Rule!
Dainty she may look but guys out there, try challenging her to a 5 km run if you dare...for she packs a lethal finishing to the tape. And she is none other than Winnie - my running partner.
This morning GE run (26 Oct, Sunday on a Deepavali holiday) organised by Great Eastern for all the fitness conscious ladies was for a charitable purpose and proceeds to the cancer cause. Two events, the competitive 10 km was flagged off @ 0730 hrs and the fun 5 km run flagged off one hour later @ 0830 hrs. More than 5,000 runners participated in each event and in all more than 10,000 female runners from all walks of lives. It was cloudy of sorts but not likely to rain any moment though, cooling enough to say the least.
After the flagged off for the 5 km @ slightly over 0830 hrs near the Esplanade, I slowly inched my way to the finishing point at the Padang. Got myself a vantage point slightly away from the finishing line, carefully timed my watch for in half an hour time, I should be watching out for Winnie making a dash to the finishing line. Thinking I should not have a problem picking her up with my perfect eyesight (save for my 老花眼) but I was proven wrong. Almost 40 mins had passed, many sped past but still no sign of her and I wondered why. Suddenly, I felt a push on my bag which I slinged in one arm and surprise, surpise, she was standing behind me looking gay and not a tinge of tiredness shown at all. She had her drink at the finishing point, rested for a while but did not see me anywhere around. She then decided to make a slight de-tour and spot-on she found me still cranking my neck looking out for her. She had finished a creditable time of 36 mins plus and in the process, beating alot of youngsters along the way. What a finish, man. She could have even finished a sub 35 mins timing had it not for the big crowd that slowed everyone to a crawl at the starting point. All the training and hard sweat did not disappoint in the end.
One down to end the year on a high and we'll be gearing up for longer distance come next year. Kudos to you, Winnie!