
Showing posts from January, 2015

My Airport Comrades

Still on my airport comrades between 1985 to 1989.  I was in my early 20s, fiery and was quite a jackass myself.  As I was still new, I tried to learn as much from the senior colleagues.  On whole, I got along well with them though most of them were much older than me.  Before my memory fails me, I will describe some of them here.   Andrew Lim who was our deputy Station Manager interviewed me for the job and he was the one who eventually chose me.  There was another candidate, a friend of mine too but I think I probably impressed Andrew during the interview stage.  I can still remember he tested me on current affairs too.  He asked me to name some ministers and the headline news in Strait Times. Fortunately, I provided the right answers I think.  Andrew is a slow and steady guy, never buckle under pressure. Even major flight delay won't stumble him.  He would just go one corner, puffed his cigarette and think of next move. Mariam wh...