Water For Singapore (By Dr M)
Note from me: Dr M finally agreed that the water agreement favours Malaysia when pointed out by someone but this latest posting of his gave another different take to bolster his argument. This water agreement will see no end for as long as he lives, sigh. Quote 1. I would like to thank the visitor to my blog who pointed out that the terms of the agreement to supply raw water and receive treated water to and from Singapore actually favours Malaysia. I agree. But I am talking about revision in the price of raw water since 3 sen per 1000 gallons is ridiculous today. It would be even more ridiculous in the decades to come. Hence, the need to renegotiate. According to the present agreement, if Malaysia sells 1,000,000 of raw water it should be paid 3,000 sen or RM30.00. 2. Malaysia can buy 12% of the raw water treated by Singapore at 50 sen per 1000 gallons i.e for 120,000 gallons, Malaysia has to pay RM6...