S'pore has the cleanest govt citizens can buy
This article by Blomberg appears in Straits Times on 27 Jan 2012. Blomberg Editorial Singapore's Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong isn't often taken publicly to task. But when you make $3.1 million a year to run a country, people tend to expect results. When they don't get them, the aggrieved masses turn to that lowest-of-common-denominator gripes: Hey, how much are we paying this guy? Lots compared with, say, Mr Barack Obama, who as US president gets US$400,000 (S$500,000) a year. Mr Lee's compensation will fall 36 per cent, and that of Singapore's president will drop 51 per cent to $1.54 million. The cuts were based on the recommendations of an advisory committee formed three weeks after last May's election, when opposition party candidates made hay with the pay issue - and the ruling People's Action Party won with the narrowest margin since independence in 1965. Such still-fat pay cheques may give pause. Yet let's applaud Singapore for what it...