
Showing posts from June, 2009

Rest In Peace, Michael Jackson

He will be missed by fans all over the globe, no question about it, for in my opinion and many others too, he was the best pop idol second to none. An immensely talented kid entertainer and was one good looking black, his biggest mistake I feel was to try to look caucasian. All those plastic surgeries he had undergone would have taken a toll on him in his middle age years, perhaps. Well, who are we, as outsiders to jump to conclusion on the cause of his sudden demise and I shall say no more. He is gone, that's a fact and even the real cause is later established, he won't be revived either. Michael, you'll be remembered and may you rest in peace.

Dr Mahatir, An Angry Man More Likely

Following MM Lee trip to Malaysia, Dr M in his usual fiery style, posted this article on his blog (refer to giving his die-hard supporters and not quite his supporter, me a short lesson on Middle Kingdom of ancient China then and the new Middle Kingdom of the modern era. In his short article, he was obviously taking a swipe at our shiny red dot, Singapore for as long as his nemesis, our dear MM Lee is still in government. As if he had not gibbered enough, he went on to hit the 5th PM of Malaysia, Pak Lah for acceding too much to Singapore during his tenure. He could have addressed the 5th PM by his name, instead chose to call him the 5th PM. This is certainly uncalled for. Tit-for-tat and with due respect to this 4th PM of Malaysia who by any measure, was a great PM Malaysia could have asked for, notwithstanding I cannot be faulted for returning the same 'swipe' to him by addressing him the 4th PM inste...

Why The Cheap Will Never Get Rich

Written by Robert Kiyosaki The other day a friend of mine approached me excitedly, saying, "I found the house of my dreams. It's in foreclosure and the bank will sell it to me for a great price." "How good is the price?" I asked. "Just before the real estate market crashed, the seller was asking $780,000 for the property. Today, I can buy it from the bank for $215,000. What do you think?" she asked. "How would I know?" I replied. "All you've given me is the price." "Yes!" she squealed. "Now my husband and I can afford it." "Only cheap people buy on price," I replied. "Just because something is cheap doesn't mean it's worth the cost." I then explained to her one of my most basic money principles: I buy value. I will pay more for value. If I don't like the price, I simply pass. If the seller wants to sell, he will come back with a better price. I let him tell me what he will acc...

Whatabout Marcus Chin (陈建彬)

I do know Marcus personally, though not close. We used to engage him to perform gigs onboard our vessel and resort for quite a while and whatever recent 'perceived bad publicity' of him covered by the press, it will never cross our mind not to engage him for future gigs with us solely based on moral ground, if at all. Without a doubt, he is an almost complete artiste, can sing well, a good actor and a versatile host. He may not have attained the level of a superstar despite been in show business for umpteen years, he is nonetheless, a celebrity which, unfortunately is subjected to public scrutiny. Celebrity is still a human being just like anyone of us, he or she still needs to make a living the way he or she knows well. They may be married, divorced or single and for those who are married, they may have extra marital affair but what's the big fuss, really. The latest saga on Marcus, a married man being involved with his manager, a young lady in her 20s has been so ...

For Friends only - Well Thought Chinese Classical Poem

出生一张纸,开始一辈子; 毕业一张纸,奋斗一辈子; 婚姻一张纸,折磨一辈子; 做官一张纸,斗争一辈子; 金钱一张纸,辛苦一辈子; 荣誉一张纸,虚名一辈子; 看病一张纸,痛苦一辈子; 悼词一张纸,了结一辈子; 淡化这些纸,明白一辈子; 忘了这些纸,快乐一辈子! 这周是世界好友周, 当大部分人都在关注你飞得高不高时,只有少部分人关心你飞得累不累,这就是友情。 再忙,也要照顾好自己。 朋友虽不常联系,却一直惦念。 保重! 祝世界好友周快乐!!!

Singapore Passion Run 2009

Organised by PASSION Card, this run was scheduled on 24 May, Sunday @ East Coast. Both Chua and I registered for the 15 km while Winnie took on the 10 km, her second 10 km run for this year so far. By far, this was the longest run for me this year which was a litmus test of sorts before the two main events, the Army 21 km half-marathon in August and the mother of marathons, Standard Chartered 42 km marathon. In our usual practise, at least twice weekly with Chua and Eddie, we are averaging some 10 km per run but admittedly, I was somewhat concerned for Winnie who did not have regular run since her last 10 km in March which she clocked creditable time. Had arranged with Winnie to pick her up on the morning of 24 May at Fort Road where she parked her car at her sister's place while Chua made his own way to East Coast. After some miscue, I managed to find the carpark near the seafood centre where Chua was already waiting for us. A minute later, all the lots would be gone. Near ...