
Showing posts from March, 2009

Long Overdue Meeting

Once again, I happened to be the only thorn (sigh...) among the roses. On the far left, it's Irene and next to her, Winnie. To my left, there is Amanda, next to her is Connie and Jean on the extreme right. This gathering on last Friday (20 Mar) was infact, long overdue and all thanks to Winnie, yes Winnie, my running mate who initiated the get-together of old comrades. And ya, one more thorn was supposed to join us but he (Vincent Kong) had a more important appointment with turf club, being an all important Friday for punters. Between horses and roses, he felt the former was more important for him. Thanks to him though, we had a good dinner at Bellini and much laughter too. It has been ages since I last met Jean and Amanda, really I cannot remember when was that last time. Boy, both ladies still look gorgeous but no chance for me now for both of them are happily married with kids in tow. Err...friends forever! I enjoyed the get-together albeit feeling bad that Winnie's ...

Perp Walks Instead of Bonuses

By Robert Scheer There must be a criminal investigation of the AIG debacle, and it looks as if New York’s top lawman is on the case. The collusion to save this toxic company in order to salvage the rogue financiers who conspired to enrich themselves by impoverishing millions is being revealed as the greatest financial scandal in U.S. history. Instead of taking bonuses, the culprits should be taking perp walks. I’m not just referring to the swindlers in the Financial Products Subsidiary of AIG who devised and sold those insurance policies on derivatives that brought the world economy to its knees. They do seem deserving of a special place in hell, and presumably the same divine power that according to Scripture labeled usury a high moral crime and threw the money-changers out of the temple will consider that outcome. However, the enablers are the AIG leaders who, as New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo revealed Tuesday, signed those bonus contracts a year ago to reward the very peopl...

Suburban Run @ North East on 15 Mar 2009

This run in Sengkang is only a teaser to the big race at year end, just 5km to test the ground. To our pleasant surprise, this event attracted quite a sizeable turnout and evidently, there are many fitness conscious Singaporeans, PRs and working expatriates out there where economic crisis is simply non-existent. Missed taking Winnie's picture at the race venue for memento, took this one at Old Airport Road carpark where we headed for breakfast after the race. The morning sun was quite fiery though we were flagged off @ 8 am and we didn't do enough warm-up due to long queue line for the toilet prior to the race. 5 km, yes but it was not an easy one owing to the weather. We ran the usual pace and finished around 32 mins (1 min of so to be taken off due to crowding in the front when flagged off). At the finish point, we were given a nice medal (not some cheaply produced certificates at the last race, no name of the organisers mentioned) coupled with a stylish cap. On whole, ...

Billions Dished Out In The Shadows

By Robert Scheer This is crazy! Forget the bleating of Rush Limbaugh; the problem is not with the quite reasonable and, if anything, underfunded stimulus package, which in any case will be debated long and hard in Congress. The problem is with what is not being debated: the far more expensive Wall Street bailout that is being pushed through—as in the case of the latest AIG rescue—in secret, hurried deal-making primarily by the unelected secretary of the treasury and the chairman of the Federal Reserve. Six months ago, we taxpayers began bailing out AIG with more than $140 billion, and then it went and lost $61.7 billion in the fourth quarter, more than any other company in history had ever lost in one quarter. So Timothy Geithner and Ben Bernanke huddled late into the night last weekend and decided to reward AIG for its startling failure with 30 billion more of our dollars. Plus, they sweetened the deal by letting AIG off the hook for interest it had been obligated to pay on the money ...

Newton Active Run 2009

Ran this 10km race with my regular running partner, Winnie on 1 Mar, Sunday. For Winnie, it was her first attempt at 10km and prior to the race day, she was not sure whether she could finish the race not walking at some stage. We have had some training at East Coast in the evening after work, the two last covering near 6 km only - the longest run by far. Quietly, I knew she could deliver around 1 hr 10 min or better but she felt too much pressure had been asserted on her if a target was set for her. She would prefer to run her own pace and to complete it only, relieving her of any pressure for best time. I left it at that but I remained confidence that 1 hr 10 min is not too far-fetched. The race venue was at Sengkang, near Farmway LRT. We arrived before the flagged off at 0745 hrs, did our warm-up and joined all the runners in the men's and women's veteran category at the start-off. Finally, we were flagged off by Defence Minister Teo. Trying to retire to bed early the...

A Trillion Here, A Trillion There

By Douglas Rediker In England, home of the English language, the word "trillion" is rarely used. Instead, the phrase "a thousand billion" is used instead. I recommend that the US follows suit. It is not that I am an anglophile, but rather that I believe we have reached the point where the number "one trillion" simply fails to capture just how big it (and the financial crisis that causes us to use this number on a regular basis) really is. A thousand billion is, I think, a far better means to express just how big this number really is. After all, the famous phrase allegedly uttered by Senator Everett Dirksen about "a billion here and a billion there and sooner or later you're talkin' about real money" was his way of expressing the same concept - about a number that is one thousand times smaller than the trillion dollar number that is increasingly being used to express our current predicament. Try this out - Economist Nouriel Roubini, who c...

New Port Challenge 2009

It's 'Drink & Drive' time, who gives a heck to cops, anyway...but there's a catch, it is only made possible in Nongsa, Batam island. Drink a peck before you drive away, ehh...we are talking about golf, and yes, golf for all races, religions and ages. Both genders are welcomed too. Led by Batam View Beach Resort and its 3 partners, Turi Beach, Palm Springs Golf and Tering Bay Golf, this New Port Challenge 2009 is sponsored by, no doubt, New Port Duty Free Pte Ltd. 1-night accommodation @ Batam View or Turi Beach, plus 2 rounds of 18-golf game, lunch & gala dinner and fabulous prizes awaiting to be given away too. It is only $188 per golfer, unbelievable but it is real. To up the ante, lucky draw winner stands to walk away with S$2,888 hot cash. Call our SIN toll free line, 800 6211 121 or email for more enquiry or booking. Note: Limited flights available, first-come-first-served hor!

Best Designed Float Award - Chingay Parade 2009

For the first time in Chingay Parade history, awards in various categories were judged by a panel of distinguished guests at the last Chingay Parade. And equally for the first time in our three consecutive years as lead sponsor of Chingay Parade, New Century Foundation has finally earned the accolade for the best designed float. A thank you & award giving ceremony cum dinner reception was held at MICA Building on 3 Mar. The guest-of-honour was Minister Lim Boon Heng who is also the deputy Chairman of People's Association.

NATAS Travel Fair 2009 - 27, 28 Feb & 1 Mar

Not wanting to be left out, Batam View Beach Resort worked out a deal with Global Holidays to co-share the booth at the three days travel fair. Led by their bubbly Magdalene Chong, the Batam View team worked tirelessly at the booth. This is the biggest travel event of the year, taking such a opportunity to showcase the resort is certainly 'god-a-given' under such gloomy economical situation.